Performances, safety and quality
- Certification NF 52-115 | NF EN 52 726 | IEC 60076-11
- Transformers certified E3, C2, F1 up to 30 MVA and operating voltage (Um) 72,5 kV (isolation level 200 kV).
- Up to 3.15 MVA in distribution.
- Withstand overload and disturbance of your installations.
- Designed for minimal maintenance and maximum service life.
- Authorized for high-rise buildings and ERP.
- Withstand overload and disturbance of your installations.
- No oil or retention tank therefore reduces ecological and fire risks.
- The materials used are self-extinguishing and, in case of fire, do not emit toxic gas. This advantage is particularly appreciated for hospitals, public premises, airports, metros, mines, oil platforms, nuclear power plants, boats, …
- All transformers are tested.
- Control and quality are at the heart of the design and construction process.